With the salt concentration increasing and time prolonging, the same reflections were happened, but the shape of palisade tissues and spongy tissues cells became more deformed. 随着盐浓度的增加和胁迫时间的延长也发生了类似的变化,但是栅栏组织细胞和海面组织细胞形状变的很不规则。
In radicle areas, there are palisade cells and a lucuna which located above micropyle and formed via knockdown parenchyma cells. 胚根区有栅栏状细胞,珠孔区以上有薄壁细胞解体后形成的断裂层。
There are three types of chloroplast-containing cells: palisade mesophyll cells, spongy mesophyll cells, guard cells. 在叶片中,有叶绿体的细胞包括三种:栅状叶肉细胞、海绵叶肉细胞、保卫细胞。
In aquatic plants, the palisade cells are absent so that there is more intercellular spaces ( air spaces) for buoyancy. 在水生植物中,是没有栅状叶肉细胞的,所以有很多胞间隙(气室)以增加浮力。
As a rule, the primary leaves and the 1-4th trifoliolate leaves have greater leaf thickness and more number of palisade cells per unit leaf area. 初生叶和1&4节位的叶片较厚,单位叶面积栅栏细胞数目多;
After the primary structure of leaf was formed, the essential oil was mainly distributed in mesophyll tissue cells, especially in palisade parenchyma cells, which became the main distributed position of essential oil. 叶的初生结构形成后,叶肉组织、尤其是栅栏组织成了挥发油的主要分布部位。
When the leaf location became high, the leaf and palisade tissues were heavy and the number of cells and the volume of cells of palisade tissues increased. 对于不同部位的烟叶,随部位的升高,叶片和栅栏组织都增厚,栅栏组织细胞和细胞数目均增大。
With the maturity of seeds, the palisade cells became longer, from loosely arranged turned into neatly and tightly, formed water impermeable layer; 随着种子的发育成熟,栅栏细胞长度逐渐增加,由松散排列变为整齐致密,形成不透水层;
The difference is related to specific leaf weight, thickness of leaves, shape of palisade parenchyma cells and RuBP carboxylase activities. 这种差异与比叶重、叶厚度、栅栏细胞形状及RuBP羧化酶活力有关。
Palisade parenchyma is composed of 1-2 layers of cylindrical cells. 栅栏组织由1-2层排列整齐的圆柱形细胞组成。
Well developed palisade tissues and water storing tissue, forming equilateral leaves and succulent leaves possessing mucilage cells. 栅栏组织和储水组织发达,构成等面叶和肉质叶;具粘液细胞;
The soybean primary leaves developed from 7 layers of original cells, and 3-4 layers of palisade cells ( PSC) and 2 layers of paraveinal Mesophyll cells ( PVM) were formed in these leaves. 大豆初生叶一般由7层原始细胞发育而成,通常形成3&4层栅拦细胞及2层脉侧叶肉细胞。
RESULTS: These studies have proven its effective components are volatile oils and flavonoids and its main microscopic features are that phellem cells in its stem and palisade tissues contain some yellow-brown ingredients, In addition Its stems and leaves are covered by fuzzy secretory and non-secretory extra-epidermis cells. 结果:证明其有效成分为挥发油、黄酮类化合物,主要显微特征为茎木栓细胞和叶栅栏组织均含黄棕色物质;茎和叶表皮外均被有众多非腺毛和少数腺毛;
Har 78-9140 and 78-2, the leaves of these two cultivars have nearly the same number of palisade cells per unit area but different leaf thickness, Har 79-9440, with the greater leaf thickness have the greater photosynthetic rate. 哈799440和782两品种的叶片有接近相同的单位叶面积栅栏细胞数目,哈799440叶片较厚,光合作用速率较高。
Cell divisions began in the mesophyll cells at the cut ends, in the palisade cells near the vascular bundles and in the vascular parenchyma. 在叶切口处的叶肉细胞,维管束上方的栅栏组织细胞以及维管薄壁细胞开始分裂。
Above 13th leaves, the leaf thickness and the number of palisade cells per unit leaf area decreased. 13节位以上的叶片厚度变薄,单位叶面积栅栏细胞数目减少。
The laminae of Sesamum indicum has a layer palisade tissue cells, and has 3-4 layers spongy tissue cells. 芝麻叶片栅栏组织有1层细胞,海绵组织有3~4层细胞。
The origin of the midvein calli developed mainly from the vascular cylinder, the palisade tissues and the phloem parenchyma cells. 主脉的愈伤组织主要由维管束鞘薄壁细胞,以及与其邻接的一些栅栏组织细胞和韧皮部的薄壁细胞分裂而来。
It is a layer storage cells in inner of palisade tissue, the nucleus and vacuole of storage cells distribute in outer, and ergastic substance is deposited in inner. 栅栏组织里侧是一层贮藏细胞,在贮藏细胞中细胞核和液泡分布于外侧,内含物沉积于内侧。
The results also prove that the expanding occurs mainly in the palisade tissue and upper surface epidermal cells, and it is the cells rather than the interstice of cells that have been expanded. 同时也证明了烟丝膨胀主要发生在栅栏组织及上表皮细胞,且呈现出细胞胀大,而细胞间隙则无胀大的现象。
Its palisade tissue is composed of 1~ 2 layers of cylindrical cells. 叶肉组织发达,栅栏组织由1~2层排列整齐的圆柱形细胞构成;
Whereas, the stomas of the upper epidermis of the thin-leave type settle strongly, there are no dividing between palisade tissue and spongy tissue in the diachyma, the vascular bundle sheath consists of lignification and suberin cells. 细叶型的叶上表皮气孔强烈下陷,叶肉无栅栏组织和海绵组织的区别,由木质化或栓质化细胞形成维管束鞘。
Visible, Ca2+ participated in the UV-B radiation signal transduction in the series process during the Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. leaf palisade tissue cells, and even participate in the induction of palisade tissue signal transduction process of programmed cell death. 可见,Ca2+参与了U-V-B辐射期间乌拉尔甘草叶片栅栏组织细胞中信号传导的过程,也可能参与了诱导栅栏组织细胞程序性死亡的信号传导过程。
Bud under the third leaf mesophyll differentiation has become more complete, palisade tissue and spongy tissue Obviously, the palisade tissue cells close, 2~ 3 layers of spongy tissue cells loose the larger gap. 芽下第三叶的叶肉分化已经趋于完全,栅栏组织和海绵组织明显,栅栏组织的细胞排列紧密,有2~3层,海绵组织的细胞排列松散,细胞间隙较大。
Normal seedling leaves were thicker, palisade tissue presented slender columnar, and cells arranged in order. 正常苗叶片较厚,栅栏组织细胞为长柱状,排列较为整齐。
Palisade tissue were slender cylindrical, 1~ 2 layers, irregularly shaped spongy tissue cells, with sparse. 栅栏组织呈细长圆柱形,有1~2层,海绵组织细胞形状不规则,排列稀疏。
Tea leaves of different maturity palisade mesophyll cells were the long column. The spongy tissue of young Leaves arrangement regularity, cell gap was small, mature leaf mesophyll cells in spongy tissue arranged in a more relaxed, and large cell gap. 不同成熟度茶树叶片的栅栏组织叶肉细胞均为长柱状,嫩叶的海绵组织叶肉细胞排列较紧密,细胞间隙小成熟叶的海绵组织叶肉细胞排列较松弛,且细胞间隙较大。
The difference in mesophyll tissue between the two soil types was obvious in palisade cells elongation stage. 两种土壤质地下烟叶组织结构差异在细胞伸长生长期表现最为突出。